To use the stupid made up word I’ve heard lately, I’ve spent yesterday and today on a staycation. Because I love to travel, I don’t recall ever taking off work and just hanging out. I’ve not yet decided for certain whether I’m opposed to it or not, but it’s definitely weird.

For instance, yesterday around noon, I took Sadie on a walk through Hillcrest. I saw people, obviously dressed in work attire, on their lunch breaks. I sort of reveled in the thought that, while they only had an hour or so of freedom, I could do whatever I darn well pleased for the rest of the day. I ended up not doing much of anything except going to Barnes and Noble to buy a travel book about a location that I’m seriously considering visiting this autumn.

And all that was fine. It’s just that I couldn’t shake the feeling that, by staying around Little Rock, I was missing out on something in the wider world. So while the weirdness is really in my head, I think this experience has made me realize that I either need to learn to be more satisfied with the admittedly nice city in which I live or just need to give into my general wanderlust whenever possible.

I’m leaning toward the latter. I love everything about traveling. Even the frustrating challenges involved can turn into a rewarding experience if approached properly.

Incidentally, I love Little Rock. The dissatisfaction of which I speak is associated only with burning my vacation to stay in town.