This morning, on my (very short) drive to work, I saw the following:

A woman walking her Irish Setter.

The dog’s coat was swishing back and forth, almost in time with his tail which was wagging moderately. Beautiful dog, although I personally wouldn’t want to care for the hair. Regardless, they both looked altogether happy.

Another woman walking her brindle mutt.

I happen to know this woman from shopping at the local boutique that she owns. More importantly, I know her dog because he is often in the store. Awesome dog. He’s fairly big – I’d guess around 100 pounds. But he’s just a big lug and doesn’t have any agenda other than to get his belly rubbed. When you pet him, as I often have, he almost immediately rolls over for a rub. Then, as long as you are in the store, he follows you around asking for more of the same. I love it. At the same time, he isn’t too irritating because he doesn’t push himself on you unless you show interest.

A kid kicking a rock while presumably waiting for the school bus.

He cracked me up because, when I rounded the corner and he came into view, I saw him running toward something on the ground. His hands were in his pockets and his backpack was swinging on his back. He kicked at the ground. As I got a little closer, I saw that he was playing a personal game of soccer with the rock. Just entertaining himself, having a good time while waiting for the bus.

As I drove by, it made me a little sad that he accidentally kicked the rock under my car. I was afraid that he lost his rock, but I saw in my rearview mirror that he found it after I passed. You go kid.

Good start to the weekend.